Date : Oct 1-3, 2018 /
Venue : Kathmandu, Nepal /
Program Type: Regional Program /
The main contents of the Program are:
Thema Papers
- Theme Paper 1: Quality Assurance in TVET Pathways to Socio-Economic Transformation
- Quality Assurance Models and Approaches for Sustainable TVET
- Accreditation Criteria, Indicators and their application at TVET Institutions
- Creating a Culture for Self-Assessment at TVET Institutions
- Theme Paper 2: Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Leadership for TVET
- Concepts of Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, TVET Leadership
- Promoting Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development in TVET
- Models and approaches for TVET Entrepreneurship and Leadership
- Theme Paper 3: Towards a New Architecture of Sustainable TVET Delivery for Socio-Economic Transformation: Some Issues, Concepts and Strategies
- Concepts and Principles of Sustainable Development
- TVET and Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Development: Models & Approaches
- Preparing TVET Educators for Sustainable Development
- Role of TVET in achieving Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals
Tasks and Group Project Work
Preparation of an action-based development plan for integrating sustainable socio-economic transformation in the TVET system
- Task: Identification of Major Issues and Challenges in TVET Pathways to Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation
- Group Exercise: Preparation of an Action-Based Development Plan for Integrating Sustainable Development in the TVET System
International Conference: "Innovations in TVET for Socio-Economic Development"