Greening TVET for Sustainable Development (Batch 3)

Date : Jul. 30 - Aug. 3, 2018 /
Venue : TESDA NTTA, Marikina City, Philippines /
Program Type: In-Country Program /

The main contents of the In-Country Program are:

Special Lecture: Greening TVET for Sustainable Development

Thema Papers

  • Theme Paper 1: Concepts and Importance of Greening TVET for Sustainable Development
  • Theme Paper 2: Methods and Approaches of Greening TVET
  • Theme Paper 3: Meeting the Challenges in Intensifying the Greening of TVET Towards Sustainable Development
  • Theme Paper 4: Integrating Green Concepts in TVET Curricula
  • Theme Paper 5: Planning and Management for Greening TVET System


  • Task 1: List Potential Projects and Assessing One’s Preparedness for Greening TVET
  • Task 2: Participate in or Prepare? Case Studies on Issues and Challenges for Greening TVET and Solutions
  • Task 3: Prepare Key Learnings from Site Visits
  • Task 4: Integrate Green Concepts in TVET Curricula
  • Task 5: Project Work on Preparing Action Plan for Greening TVET in Own Institute

Panel Discussion (Half Day): "Transforming TVET for Sustainable Development"

  • 6 Eminent Experts (Panelists from TESDA, TVET Institutions, ILO, Industry, and CPSC)

Study Visit: Study visits to institutions and/or industries implementing green projects (Manila Water Company, Inc. and Marikina City Environmental Management Office)

Greening TVET for Sustainable Development (Batch 2)

Date : Jul. 16-20, 2018 /
Venue : TESDA NTTA, Marikina City, Philippines /
Program Type: In-Country Program /

The main contents of the In-Country Program are:

Special Lecture: Greening TVET for Sustainable Development

Thema Papers

  • Theme Paper 1: Concepts and Importance of Greening TVET for Sustainable Development
  • Theme Paper 2: Methods and Approaches of Greening TVET
  • Theme Paper 3: Meeting the Challenges in Intensifying the Greening of TVET Towards Sustainable Development
  • Theme Paper 4: Integrating Green Concepts in TVET Curricula
  • Theme Paper 5: Planning and Management for Greening TVET System


  • Task 1: List Potential Projects and Assessing One’s Preparedness for Greening TVET
  • Task 2: Participate in or Prepare? Case Studies on Issues and Challenges for Greening TVET and Solutions
  • Task 3: Prepare Key Learnings from Site Visits
  • Task 4: Integrate Green Concepts in TVET Curricula
  • Task 5: Project Work on Preparing Action Plan for Greening TVET in Own Institute

Panel Discussion (Half Day): "Transforming TVET for Sustainable Development"

  • 6 Eminent Experts (Panelists from TESDA, TVET Institutions, ILO, Industry, and CPSC)

Study Visit: Study visits to institutions and/or industries implementing green projects (Manila Water Company, Inc. and Marikina City Environmental Management Office)

TVET Leadership and Management Enhancement Program for the 21st Century

Date : Jul. 18-19, 2018 /
Venue : Colombo Plan Staff College, Manila, Philippines /
Program Type: Customized Program /

Program Contents

  • Theme Papers:
    • Theme Paper 1: Educational Transformation through Leadership in TVET Institutions
    • Theme Paper 2: Leadership through Effective Communication and Communication Strategies in a Diverse Workplace Environment
    • Theme Paper 3: Managing change and improving adaptability through organizational development
    • Theme Paper 4: Managing Employees from different generations and Developing Employees to become future Leaders
    • Theme Paper 5: How the Leadership and Management dynamics contribute to the TVET Institutions Effectiveness
    • Theme Paper 6: Excellence of Leadership for Change Management through PDCA Cycle in TVET Institute

  • Group Work Activies:
    • Case Scenario: Inclusive Education Program in TVET and Basic Education
    • Workshop 1: Assessing Leadership Style (Theme Paper 4)