Develop Online Learning Management System for TVET Institute

Date: March 1, 2021 /
Program Type: Webinar /

March 1, 2021 | 6:30am Afghanistan | 7:00am Maldives, Pakistan | 7:30am India, Sri Lanka | 7:45am Nepal | 8:00am Bangladesh, Bhutan | 8:30am Myanmar | 9:00am Thailand | 10:00am Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore | 12:00nn Papua New Guinea | 2:00pm Fiji


COVID-19 could be the mega maleficent of the 21st Century with almost all countries shutting TVET institutions to break the chain of transmission. However, the training and education of our youth has to continue because staying idle is contrary to the constitutional foundation of civil societies.

The outbreak of coronavirus disease was recorded rising in the world since December 2019. As a result some institutions started offering online education to their students, the majority of the students have not yet benefited from distance learning. Since youth are our human capital, we must use alternative way to offer education to them in order to continue their learning.

In April 2020, a rapid assessment survey conducted by the ILO-UNESCO-WBG on TVET and described the current state of TVET during COVID-19 period. In this report, current TVET trends highlighted and stated that the TVET sector should have 4E (E-Content, E-Learning, Education Technology and Entrepreneurship).

The report also highlighted the gaps in TVET during the current situation. The one of the gaps is to provide continuous training to TVET providers to facilitate the development and delivery of their online session. It is also emphasized that TVET has to empower TVET providers to develop their own e-Learning system.

In this context, Colombo Plan Staff College is planning to organize a webinar on “Develop Online Learning Management System for TVET Institute”. This webinar will be dedicated to CPSC member countries TVET practitioners to build the capacity on how to develop and setup a learning management system for a TVET institute by using Moodle. The main purpose of this webinar is to share simple steps to setup online course management, course administration and users profile etc. The online Moodle application is the best tool to build native learning management system without programming skills. After completion of this webinar, the participants are able to create and setup their own Moodle. The outcome will be aligned different interpretations and expectations of digital innovation concept from the various stakeholders’ perspectives.


This webinar session is designed to provide concept, setup, and administration of learning management system to the TVET institutions.


  • To explain the importance of online resources for TVET institutions
  • To demonstrate how to setup a learning management system - Moodle

Development of Distance Learning Programs in TVET

Date: February 22-26, 2021 /
Program Type: Online Program /

Main Contents


  • Online Class 1: 21st Century Skills for Global Competitiveness
  • Online Class 2: ICT and digital competencies for Distance Learning
  • Online Class 3: Develop digital contents using Articulate Rise 360
  • Online Class 4: The ADDIE Model for Distance Learning
  • Online Class 5: Blackboard and Moodle – Learning Management System
  • Online Class 6: E-Assessment Tools

Project Tasks

  • Project 1: Develop a distance learning course using Articulate Rise
  • Project 2: Conduct SWOT Analysis on Distance Learning
  • Project 3: Setup and configure a Moodle LMS for an TVET institution
  • Project 4: Prepare an action plan to design a distance learning course

Innovation in Curriculum Development Integrating ICT and Digital Skills

Date: February 15-19, 2021 /
Program Type: Online Regional Program /

Main Contents


  • Special Lecture: Management of Curriculum Development in TVET
  • Theme Paper 1: Concept of Curriculum, Process and Methods of Curriculum Development
  • Theme Paper 2: Conduct DACUM using ICT tool
  • Theme Paper 3. ICT & Digital Technology in Course Development Processes
  • Theme Paper 4: Develop Curriculum incorporating different cross-cutting components/21st Century Skills

Project Tasks

  • Project work 1: Develop a curriculum structure using the customized format
  • Project work 2: Use ICT to develop TVET courses
  • Project work 3: Develop a curriculum framework to integrate different cross-cutting components/21st Century Skills
  • Project work 4: Develop an Action Plan for Development of Curricula integrating ICT and Digital Skills

Innovating TVET by Developing Digital Content Using ICT Tools

Date: February 1-5, 2021 /
Program Type: Online Regional Program /

Main Contents


  • Special Lecture: Fostering 21st Century Skills to Address TVET Needs
  • Online Class 1: Concept, Elements and Components of Blended Learning
  • Online Class 2: ICT and Digital Competencies for Dynamic TVET
  • Online Class 3: Development of Learning Management System Using ICT Tools
  • Online Class 4: Develop Digital Contents Using Authoring Tools

Project Tasks

  • Project Work 1: Conduct SWOT Analysis on Digital Learning in TVET
  • Project Work 2: Develop a Learning Management System by Using Moodle
  • Project Work 3: Prepare an E-learning Course by using Articulate Rise 360
  • Project Work 4: Prepare an action Plan Towards Readiness of TVET for Digitalization of Services and Products