Program Type: Webinar /
April 23, 2020 | 9:30am Afghanistan | 10:00am Maldives, Pakistan | 10:30am India, Sri Lanka | 10:45am Nepal | 11:00am Bangladesh, Bhutan | 11:30am Myanmar | 12:00nn Thailand | 1:00pm China, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore | 3:00pm Papua New Guinea | 5:00pm Fiji
Webinar Presentations
- Who is Competitive TVET Leader
Ramhari Lamichhane, PhD - Teachers to Educational Leader
Dr. N. Asokan
Background and Focus
One of the current focus of CPSC is sustainable development in CPSC training programs. This development is possible on transformative change in the training delivery process. What does “transformative change” mean in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
On the other hand, due to the current COVID -19 situation in Manila, CPSC has suspended its operations and allowed work from home. Therefore it is important to introduce WEBINAR in CPSC and conduct training programs online.
A webinar is an online seminar that turns a presentation into a real-time conversation from anywhere in the world. Webinars allow large groups of participants to engage in online discussions or training events and share audio, documents or slides – even when they’re not in the same place as the meeting host or in the same room where the event or presentation is taking place.
The next webinar topic is Teacher to Educational Leader. As Technical Education and Vocational Training has globally been recognized as the most effective tool for increasing employment and poverty reduction.
Though teaching has traditionally been a career in which year one looks much the same as year thirty, I’m pleased to see that this is starting to change. Teachers in years one, five and twenty bring different strengths to the table, and also have different professional growth needs. In their first years of full-time teaching, our associate teachers often produce results similar to their more experienced peers. Experienced teachers to serve in teacher-leader roles. Like all professionals, teachers’ skills mature over time, and our goals and priorities shift too, to short-term career as an educator/ educationist, to mid-term career as a head of an educational institution, to long-term career as member of educational policy making bodies. Educational leadership at every level, who strive to create positive change in educational policy and processes. Educational leadership involves working with and guiding teachers toward improving educational processes in Technical and Vocational Education and Training institutions.
Careers today are roughly around forty years long. And it is important to internalize that it is a marathon, not a sprint. A person’s career can broadly be split into two halves, the first half and the second half. The length of the two halves is not important and does not have to be mathematically equal. We have observed many people through the journey of their careers, those who successes, less successful, looked like they had a good start but did not achieve their potential, they had a bad start but seemed to overachieve, had twists and turns, had a more steady, straight path. We can conclude that the more significant career achievements are often in the second half of the career and most people succeeded in the first halves of their career, very few in the second.
There are misconceptions that if we work hard and spend years at work, then we are growing our skills, knowledge and capabilities, if we succeed in the first half of our career, we will automatically succeed in the second half of our career. Time spent at work is not equal to experience.
As we get to senior levels, two things change: first, the complexity of the problems /issues we deal with, and second the number/quantity/breadth of the issues. At a senior level, the number of people who want your time is far greater than you have, the number of things that you need attention is far greater than the number you handled earlier and the number of simultaneous things you have to manage is far greater than what you have ever done. The breadth is such that one day in the morning, you could be discussing the long-term strategic plan and in the afternoon the same day, you might have to deal with next week’s issue.
Your career will grow only as much as you are able to grow as an individual and as a professional. If you manage to grow your skills, knowledge, decision making ability, judgement, influence on others, communication skills etc., then you will experience career growth. Career growth is directly proportional to and is a function of real individual growth. If you stop pushing yourself at any stage, your career growth also comes to a screeching halt.
Technical and Vocational Education & Training is a complex, dialectical and exciting opportunity which can potentially transform society for the better. Thus governments, educators and policy makers alike must ask the questions about how we can prepare our teachers to lead the present and future TVET to thrive in this transforming world.
Teachers determine the success of every TVET institution. This requires the right framework conditions under which each individual can and may contribute his or her skills and services in the sense of agreed – more qualitative and quantitative – results. This was valid at all times and becomes even more important in the post pandemic period.
This Webinar on Teacher to Educational Leader aims to provide an online training platform for CPSC member country’s participants; to understand the dynamics of different verticals of TVET education system, and TVET teachers learn to develop as administrator, manager and leader. Furthermore, this webinar will discuss how to write the mission statements for TVET institutions, qualities to be developed by TVET teachers in the VUCA world and /or post pandemic period.
- To offer online training programs for CPSC member countries participants without any interruption
- To understand the development of right career path of teachers in TVET
- To develop the qualities of teachers to play the role of administrator, manager and leader of TVET institutions.
Facilities Required
To join the webinar, each participant should have the following:
- Minimum 2Mbps Broadband Internet
- Desktop/Laptop Computer or Mobile Device with Earphones and Mic
- Chrome Browser or any HTML5 Compliant Browser
- Google Account (Gmail) for Hangouts Meet