Program Type: Webinar /
May 6, 2020 | 9:30am Afghanistan | 10:00am Maldives, Pakistan | 10:30am India, Sri Lanka | 10:45am Nepal | 11:00am Bangladesh, Bhutan | 11:30am Myanmar | 12:00nn Thailand | 1:00pm China, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore | 3:00pm Papua New Guinea | 5:00pm Fiji
Webinar Presentation
- Redefining Learning Spaces – Change Agent in Educational Ecosystem
by Dr. G. Janardhanan
One of the current focus of CPSC is sustainable development in CPSC training programs. This development is possible on transformative change in the training delivery process. What does “transformative change” mean in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
On the other hand, due to the current COVID -19 situation in Manila, CPSC has suspended its operations and allowed work from home. Therefore, it is important to introduce WEBINAR in CPSC and conduct training programs online.
A webinar is an online seminar that turns a presentation into a real-time conversation from anywhere in the world. Webinars allow large groups of participants to engage in online discussions or training events and share audio, documents or slides – even when they’re not in the same place as the meeting host or in the same room where the event or presentation is taking place.
The next webinar topic is Redefining Learning Spaces – Change Agent in Educational Ecosystem. The role of educational institution is to develop the knowledge-based skill society which meets needs of the global community. Drastic transformation in the learning environment and learning space made significant impact on learning. Acquisition of knowledge take place either inside the classroom (formal learning) or through interaction among individuals / peers (informal learning). Due to the infusion of digital technologies, learning spaces got redefined. Space, whether physical or virtual, need to produce excitement to the learner and enrich their thought process. There is a paradigm shift in the learner expectation which influence the educational institution to move ahead from Brick and Mortar. The learning space is influenced by the facilitators, viz., faculty, librarians, administrators and technologists. Information technology has brought unique capabilities to learning spaces, whether stimulating greater interaction through the use of collaborative tools, videoconferencing with international experts, or opening virtual worlds for exploration.
The physical space of learning need to accommodative with the expectation of current learners. It should provide more scope of exploration, collaboration and discussion. The designer, architect and builders together make learning walls which lead to vibrant educational ecosystem. This is inevitable in the current day scenario towards making sustainable education campus. There seems to be a clear need, therefore, to consider current issues in the design of learning environments, starting from an educational perspective, aiming at those who use educational institution and who would like to think more about how spaces in them might be planned and arranged to facilitate learning and teaching. The current generation learners prefer active, participatory, experiential learning – the learning style they exhibit in their personal lives. The learners live with technology and their behavior may not match their self-expressed learning preferences when sitting in a large lecture hall. Another characteristic of students has an impact on space: time constraints. The majority of today’s students (skill-based education) work part time, commute, and have outside responsibilities. They wish to practice immediately what they have learned through part time assignment. With student attention pulled in multiple directions, how can learning spaces bring students and faculty together, ensuring that the environment promotes, rather than constrains, learning? What we know about how people learn has also changed our ideas about learning space. There is value from bumping into someone and having a casual conversation. There is value from hands-on, active learning as well as from discussion and reflection. There is value in being able to receive immediate support when needed and from being able to integrate multiple activities (such as writing, searching, and computing) to complete a project. And, there is value from learning that occurs in authentic settings, such as an estuary or on a trading floor. How do we turn the entire campus—and many places off campus—into an integrated learning environment? This lecture will focus on this issue and explore future direction.
This Webinar on Redefining Learning Spaces – Change Agent in Educational Ecosystem.to provide an online training platform for CPSC member country’s participants; to understand the how the learning space act as a change agent in the educational ecosystem. It provides the framework for making the transition from traditional environment and visualize the future of learning centered built environment. Trends in learning space design and how it induces the psychology of learning. Furthermore, this webinar will discuss how to sustain and support learning spaces with assessment strategies for TVET institutions.
- To examine evidence of the importance of active and collaborative learning and how space can support learning.
- To explore a comprehensive support and faculty development framework for learning spaces
- To develop a comprehensive framework to help develop ideas for your campus
- To explore the nuance of learning space implementation
- To evaluate the ideas and integrate to establish learning space.
Facilities Required
To join the webinar, each participant should have the following:
- Minimum 2Mbps Broadband Internet
- Desktop/Laptop Computer or Mobile Device with Earphones and Mic
- Chrome Browser or any HTML5 Compliant Browser
- Google Account (Gmail) for Hangouts Meet