Program Type: Webinar /
June 26, 2020 | 9:30am Afghanistan | 10:00am Maldives, Pakistan | 10:30am India, Sri Lanka | 10:45am Nepal | 11:00am Bangladesh, Bhutan | 11:30am Myanmar | 12:00nn Thailand | 1:00pm China, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore | 3:00pm Papua New Guinea | 5:00pm Fiji
Webinar Presentation/s

by Ramhari Lamichhane, PhD

by Engr. Abdul Ghani Rajput
Teaching profession is a vocation of professional status in the field of education which possesses social, cultural, economic, scientific, artistic and technological dimensions, which is based on expert knowledge and skills and which requires academic study and vocational education. Recognizing the critical role of skills development in achieving sustained economic and social development, maintaining global competitiveness and responding timely to changes in technology and work patterns, the CPSC is promoting TVET in Asia pacific region.
Guidance and counseling services are important; both to education systems and to the labour market. Career guidance has an important role to play within education in laying the foundations for lifelong career development. Here, wider curriculum choice results in more diverse and complex routes into later stages of education, into employment, or into both. This can help to:
Reduce | Improve | Create |
Dropouts from and back-tracking within TVET system, and thus improve internal flows | Flows between different levels of education, thus raising national levels of educational attainment | Transitions from training to the labour market |
Within the labour market, guidance and counseling can improve the accuracy and accessibility of the information available to individuals about short- and long-term job opportunities. In turn, this can improve individual decision making about jobs and about job training opportunities. It also makes a key difference between the successful and unsuccessful implementation of active labour market programs.
Career counseling is a process in which people's interests, personality, values and skills are assessed and they are helped to explore career options. Career counseling provides one-on-one or group professional assistance in exploration and decision making tasks related to choosing a major/occupation, transitioning into the world of work or further professional training. Career counseling takes care of various aspects like personal insight, support and even a better understanding. Other than these, it helps in building high motivational level by understanding the individualistic wants. It ensures that every individual sets up some goals of consequence and give his/her best in achieving them. The best part about career counseling is that it inspires every individual to make a career for themselves in a field where their interest and passion lie. By doing so, it aids every individual to discover his/her own powers and the success he/she can find nowhere else but within him/her self.
The objective of this webinar is to share the concept of career counseling and related skills to promote and provide Continuous Professional Development for TVET professional. It will also share the opportunities of lifelong learning to prepare TVET professional and trainees to actively meet the ever-changing needs of labor market. Trainers are the most important element in terms of reaching the TVET institution aims. Therefore it is important to share the career counseling process to TVET trainers. The outcome will be aligned with different interpretations and expectations of green skills concept from the various stakeholders’ perspectives.
- To understand the concept of Vocational Guidance and Career Counseling skills;
- To monitor, maintain, set and improve professional standards in counselor education and practice;
- To share the different models of career counseling and vocational guidance facilities in global context.