Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Results Based Project Management
- Presentation 1: Development, Issues and Challenges on Project Management in TVET
- Presentation 2: Project Management and Key Components of Project Proposal
- Presentation 3: Stakeholders Analysis
- Presentation 4: Project Problem Tree Analysis, Objective and Solution Tree Analysis
- Presentation 5: Project Scheduling and Budgeting
- Presentation 6: The Project Logical Framework
Group Work Activities
- GWA 1: Identify 3 project ideas, Select one and write the reasons of selection
- GWA 2: Conduct stakeholders analysis
- GWA 3: Conduct problem tree, objective and solution tree analysis
- GWA 4: Plan activities using the Gantt Chart
- GWA 5: Develop project proposal log frame
Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation Management
- Presentation 1: An Overview of Results-Based M&E Management Systems towards Quality-Assured TVET or Education System
- Presentation 2: M & E Plan to achieve Organizational Goals
- Presentation 3: Effective Implementation of Result Based Monitoring System
- Presentation 4: M&E Tools and Techniques in TVET and Educational Programs and Projects
- Presentation 5: Prepare M & E Reports
Group Work Activities
- GWA 1: Prepare M & E Plan
- GWA 2: Preparation of M&E Tool/s
- GWA 3: Preparation of M & E Report
APACC Reorientation
- Presentation 1: Importance of QMS in TVET
- Presentations 2 - 6: Reorientation on APACC Criteria (1 to 7)