In the new Digital infrastructure world, the demand for 'industry ready skilled and trained resources' are ever on the raise. With the Infrastructure world staying in the low per-capita productivity area in comparison to other leading industries, the infrastructure industry owners are looking for 'Digitally Skilled' and industry trained resources to meet their productivity needs. In this brief talk, we would first take you through the evolution of Digital processes in the complete life-cycle of Infrastructure industry. And then we would relate it to career opportunities and learning pedagogy opportunities that exists in this new world of Digital Infrastructure Engineering. We will also talk about how the Bentley Education program can help you develop engineering skills for the real world and take the next step in your career!
Sustainable City Development through SMART Transportation in Busan
Date: December 7-10, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Korea’s Process of Urbanization and the Changes of Urban Development Policies
The direction and Strategy of Smart City Policies in Korea & A Case Study on Busan
The Direction & Strategy of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Policies in Korea
A Case Study on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
Smart Mobility in 4th Industrial Revolution Era
Brief Sharing of Country Situations
[BFIC Presentation] Development Cooperation and City Development
Readiness of TVET for IR 4.0
Date: November 29 - December 3, 2021 / Program Type: Online In-Country Program /
Main Contents
TVET 4.0 to Address IR 4.0 covering: 21st Century skills; Skills and Enablers in TVET 4.0
Concepts of IR 4.0, Stages,elements and major trends impacting on TVET 4.0. It shall cover inputs to Teacher Training as well as TVET Research as a Driver for Innovation
TVET Teacher Professional Competency Framework in the Industry 4.0 Era. The VOCTECH SEAMEO Survey will be presented as a case; ASEAN Teaching Model IR 4.0; latest demand-driven occupations and the integration of digital technologies in teaching competencies
Theme Papers
Theme Paper 1: Imagineering TVET for the Changing World
Theme Paper 2: Concepts of IR 4.0, Stages, elements and major trends impacting on TVET 4.0.
Theme Paper 3: Challenge of Industry 4.0 to Teacher Training and to TVET Research as a Driver for innovation
Theme Paper 4: TVET Teacher Professional Competency Framework in the Industry 4.0 Era
Theme Paper 5: Digital Technologies to Integrate IR 4.0 Skills inTeaching Competencies
Group Work
Group Work 1: Gap Analysis /SWOT Analysis: Overview of the Current TVET Landscape
Group Work 2: Developing Teaching Aids for a Blended Learning Program
Group Work 3: Developing Digital Contents Using Authoring Tools
Group Work 4 : System Development Planning: Action Plan The Way Forward
Orientation on Updated APACC Self Study Form and Processes
Date: November 4-5, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
APACC Processes and Updates
Rationale and Overview of Updates on APACC Instrument and Procedures
Criterion 1: Governance and Management
Criterion 2: Teaching and Learning
Criterion 3: Human Resources
Criterion 4: Research and Development
Criterion 5: Image and Sustainability
Criterion 6: Other Resources
Criterion 7: Support to Students
TVET Accreditation as Quality Assurance in Establishing Quality TVET Systems Across the Nations
Date: August 31 - September 6, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Presentation 1: TVET Quality Assurance Practices in Asia and the Pacific
Presentation 2: Overview of TVET Quality Assurance System
Presentation 3: APACC Accreditation as External Quality Assurance
Presentation 4: TVET Accreditation (Institutional and Program) Requirements
Presentation 5: Establishing Accreditation as Quality Assurance to Harmonize Quality TVET Standards/Criteria
Group Work Activities:
GWA 1: Answering Short Exercises
GWA 2: Accreditor’s Performance Task
GWA 3: Determine the TVI readiness to undergo accreditation
GWA 4: Develop basic accreditation guide
APACC Accreditors’ Training for INDMO, Timor Leste
Date: August 23-27, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Overview of APACC and Status Report
Orientation and Workshop on APACC Criteria
Criterion I: Governance and Management
Criterion II: Teaching and Learning
Criterion III: Human Resources
Criterion IV: Research and Development
Criterion V: Image and Sustainability
Criterion VI: Other Resources
Criterion VII: Support to Students
Desirable Characteristics of APACC Team and Rules in Institutional Evaluation
Roles and Responsibilities of APACC Team before, during, and after institutional evaluation
Parts of Evaluation Report and Tips in Report Writing
Instructional Design Based on ICT and Digital Technology
Date: August 2-6, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Online Classes
Online Class 1: Fostering 21st Century Skills to Address TVET Needs
Online Class 2: ICT Applications in Teaching and Learning Process
Online Class 3: Instructional Design Models
Online Class 4: Multimedia content preparation for Teaching and Learning
Online Class 5: Learning Management System for Online Delivery
Online Class 6: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Applications
Online Class 7: Online Assessment Tools
Project Tasks
Project Task 1: Conduct SWOT Analysis on Online Learning
Project Task 2: Preparation of Multimedia Content
Project Task 3: Develop a LMS (Moodle) for a Course
Project Task 4: Preparation of Online Assessment Questions
Project Task 5: Preparation of Action Plan
Enhancing TVET Institution and Industry Partnerships for Quality TVET
Date: July 24-28, 2021 / Program Type: Online In-Country Program /
Main Contents
Online Classes
Special Lecture: Post COVID-19 Scenario for Industry Institute Partnership
Theme Paper 1: From linkages to Industry-Institution Partnerships in TVET System: Concepts and Principles
Theme Paper 2: Innovative Models and Approaches in TVET Industry - Institute Partnership
Theme Paper 3: Dual Training System: Concept, Benefits, and Challenges
Theme Paper 4: Industry-Institution linkages in TVET system of Myanmar
Theme Paper 5: I-I Partnership in Curriculum development and Training programs
Theme paper 6: Action Planning for Institute-Industry Partnership for quality TVET
Group Works
Group Work 1: Undertake SWOT analysis for Industry - Institute Partnership in the TVET system
Group Work 2: Develop strategies for enhancing industry-institution partnership system in the TVET sector
Group Work 3: Identify Responsibilities of Institute Management Committee for I-I linkages
Group Work 4: Identify the Characteristics of the Best I-I partnership model that suits the Myanmar Context
Group Work 5: Preparation of Action Plan for building industry-institute Partnerships in the TVET system
National Seminar on Public-Private Partnerships: As an Expanding Horizon for Institute-Industry Partnership TVET System of Myanmar July 26, 2021
The global impact of Covid-19 is multifaceted and is clearly manifested in almost all sectors, particularly the health, economic and education sectors. Since the announcement of the virus as a pandemic in March 2020, there have been a plethora of daily reports on its impact on the lives of millions across the world. Accordingly, every country’s primary concern has become to diminish the spread of the virus and alleviate its effects on the society in general, and the most vulnerable communities in particular.
In April 2020, a rapid assessment survey was conducted by the ILO-UNESCO-WBG on TVET and described the current state of TVET during COVID-19 period. In this report, current TVET trends highlighted and stated that the TVET sector should have 4E (E-Content, E-Learning, Education Technology and Entrepreneurship).
Technology has become an increasingly important part of students’ lives beyond school, and even within the classroom it can also help increase their understanding of complex concepts or encourage collaboration among peers. Because of these benefits, current educational practice suggests that teachers implement some form of technology in their classrooms – but many teachers face difficulties in doing so. Cost, access, and time often form considerable barriers to classroom implementation, but another obstacle is a lack of knowledge regarding how technology can best be used to benefit students across diverse subject matter.
In this context, Colombo Plan Staff College is planning to organize a webinar on “Use of Mentimeter for Learner Centered Learning''. This webinar will be dedicated to CPSC member countries TVET practitioners to build the capacity on how to use Mentimeter to teach and connect remotely with your students. Learn how to create a presentation, what question types are particularly useful for teachers and how to share it with your students. The other objective of the webinar is to share Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR) Models to enhance teaching and learning process. The online collaborative tools help to engage learners through innovative presentations. After completion of this webinar, the participants are able to create and setup their own mentimeter presentation. Furthermore, understand the concept and importance of TPACK and SAMR models. The outcome will be aligned with different interpretations and expectations of digital innovation concept from the various stakeholders’ perspectives.
This webinar aims to build up the capacity of TVET practitioners on how to use collaborative teaching and learning tools to teach and to connect remotely with the students and its importance in teaching and learning process. Learn how to create a presentation, what question types are particularly useful for teachers and how to share it with the students. This webinar will also share ideas on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR) Model to enhance teaching and learning process.
To explain the importance of collaborative tools in the teaching and learning process
To demonstrate how to use and setup an interactive presentation – Mentimeter
To share the concept of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR) models
Industry Institute Partnership for Relevant TVET Program
Date: June 21-25, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Online Classes
Special Lecture: Post COVID-19 Scenario for Industry Institute Partnership.
Theme Paper 1: Building Industry-Institution Partnerships in TVET System: Concepts and Principles
Theme Paper 2: Interventions to enhance TEVT-Industry Partnerships
Theme Paper 3: Innovative Models and Approaches in TVET Industry - Institute Partnership
Theme Paper 4: Dual Training System: Concept, Benefits, and Challenges
Group Works
Group Work 1: Undertake SWOT analysis for Industry - Institute Partnership in the TVET system
Group Work 2: Develop strategies for enhancing industry-institution partnership system in the TVET sector
Group Work 3: Identify skills for youth employability in the TVET sector
Group Work 4: Preparation of Action Plan for building industry-institute linkages in the TVET system
TVET Institute Management for Global Competitiveness
Date: June 21-24, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Online Classes
Theme Paper 1: TVET Institutes Management for the Global Competitiveness
Theme Paper 2: Instructional Management
Theme Paper 3: Application of ICT and Digital Skills in Institutional Management and Teaching
Theme Paper 4: Management of 21st Century skills and IR 4.0 for TVET programs
Projects Works
Project Work 1 & 3: Develop a curriculum structure integrating 21st century skills & IR 4.0
Project Work 2: Develop ICT tools or mobile apps for monitoring and teaching
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in TVET
Date: June 17, 2021 / Program Type: Webinar /
June 17, 2021 | 9:30am Afghanistan | 10:00am Maldives, Pakistan | 10:30am India, Sri Lanka | 10:45am Nepal | 11:00am Bangladesh, Bhutan | 11:30am Myanmar | 12:00nn Thailand | 1:00pm Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore | 3:00pm Papua New Guinea | 5:00pm Fiji
This concept paper is prepared for the CPSC webinar on the topic “Occupational Safety and Health in TVET”. The skilled workforce are the major contributors to the economic and social development of the contemporary global society. Unfortunately, their health and safety are often negatively influenced by the working environment, social factors, and behaviours. Although the employers are primarily responsible for providing healthy and safe working environments, the workers are also expected to follow the OSH rules and regulations to prevent work-related injuries and diseases.
Occupational health is a discipline devoted to prevention and management of occupational diseases, accidents and disabilities and to elimination of occupational factors and conditions hazardous to health and safety at work. The goal of an occupational safety and health program is to foster a safe and healthy occupational environment for the students and teachers. OSH also protects all the general public who may be affected by the occupational environment.
The program addresses the incidence of occupational diseases and work-related diseases and injuries among workers through health promotion and protection in all workplaces. It aims to improve workers' access to basic occupational health services at the working contexts.
In TVET, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is an interdisciplinary activity concerned with the prevention of occupational risks and hazards inherent to each occupation. OSH programs objectives are to:
Secure the health, safety and welfare of employees and other people at work
Protect the public from the health and safety risks of commercial activities
Eliminate workplace risks and hazards
While TVET education is concerned with the acquisition of knowledge and skills for the world of work, occupational safety and health (OSH) aims at the protection and promotion of safety and health at the workplace. Thus, it is up most important and urgent to train TVET students in OSH at the TVET institute level and after the graduation the students will comply with the OSH on the job.
Thus, it is very important to integrate OSH components in the TVET education and train the students on it and make it habit for the students to follow the rules and regulations of OSH.
This webinar session is designed to provide concept and knowledge on occupational safety and health, its management in TVET institutions, and need of OSH training to the students. It will also provide knowledge on different subject-wise safety measures & health and provide subject-wise good practices found in the TVET institutions.
Sharing the concept and management guidelines on occupational safety and health program for the TVET institutions.
Training of Trainers for the Future Movers Programme (Batch 2)
Date: May 24-27, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Theme Papers
Theme Paper 1: Effective Teaching and Learning Management of TVET Trainers
Theme Paper 2: Vocational Pedagogy Based Instructional Methods and Processes
Theme Paper 3: Application of ICT Tools in Effective Training Delivery
Theme Paper 4: Demonstrate Instructional Competencies to Impart KSA
Theme Paper 5: Effective Sessions Plan
Micro-Teaching (Project Work)
5 minutes microteaching by the participants (individual project)
Quality Management System in TVET Amidst Challenging Times
Date: May 19-25, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Online Classes
Online Class 1: QMS: Positioning TVET for Effectiveness and Success
Online Class 2: Unlocking the Power of QMS: Importance, Principles of Quality Management and Benefits
Online Class 3: PDCA Technique for Quality Improvement
Online Class 4: Basic Quality Management Tools
Online Class 5: Good Documentation as the Foundation of a QMS
Online Class 6: Developing an Employee Handbook
Online Class 7: Creating a Maintenance Manual
Online Class 8: Developing a Student Handbook
Projects (Individual)
Online Workshop 1: Using PDCA for Continuous Improvement
Online Workshop 2: Practice Exercise on application of Management Tools for Problem Resolution
Online/Offline Workshop 3: Developing an Employee Handbook
Online/Offline Workshop 4: Creating a Maintenance Plan
Integrating IR4.0 Competency and 21st Century Skills in TVET
Date: May 17-21, 2021 / Program Type: Regional Program /
Main Contents
Theme Papers
Special Lecture: Ensuring 21st Century Skills and IR 4.0 for the Global Competitiveness and Innovation in the TVET
Theme Paper 1: TVET 4.0 to Address IR 4.0
Theme Paper 2: Effective Vocational Pedagogy to Deliver 21st Century Skills and IR 4.0
Theme Paper 3. ICT & Digital Technology to Integrate 21st Century Skills and IR 4.0
Theme Paper 4: Curriculum Design and Framework incorporating 21st Century Skills and IR 4.0
Project Tasks
Project work 1: Conduct SWOT analysis on status of 21st century skills and IR 4.0 in TVET institution
Project work 2: Identify five vocational pedagogy that enhance the session delivery of 21st century skills and IR 4.0
Project work 3: Develop ICT tools or mobile apps to ingrate 21st century skills and IR 4.0
Project work 4: Develop a curriculum structure integrating 21st century skills and IR 4.0
Action Planning: Develop action plan to integrate 21st century skills and IR 4.0 in TVET institute
The establishment of Cooperative societies were created long before the advent of the fair trade movement to help workers improve their livelihoods and protect their interests. Cooperatives are organizations of people who have the same needs. Cooperatives are operating in an environment that requires exceptional or transformational leadership qualities and changed management systems for the success of associations of cooperatives today.
Transforming federations requires change. One of the perceived bottlenecks in effecting change in federations relates to the lack of change leaders and a lack of capacity to develop a vision and implement change. Transformative leaders need to have a clear vision, a solid target objectives for the federation and have the strong motivation and leadership skills to drive change.
Leadership is about managing change and guiding growth in fluid environments. Leadership requires a ‘change capable culture’ that gives space to lead. Moreover, to sustainably grow, federations or cooperatives are shifting from viewing leadership development as a “nice to have” to a “need to have”. Leadership development programs are mission critical to federations’ or cooperatives’ organizational success.
Thus, CPSC is conducting the webinar to make aware and realize the need of having outreach programs in each subject, manage it, and obtain the results from it.
The webinar session is designed to provide a pIatform for reflecting on the principles of cooperatives/federations and discuss how the leadership and management dynamics and skills can contribute to achieving the objectives/targets of the cooperative/federation.
The program aims for participants to:
reflect on the principles of cooperatives/federations;
apply methods on how the leadership and management dynamics and skills can contribute to achieving the objectives/targets of the cooperative/federation;
identify issues and goals of managing change and improving adaptability through managing skills and strategies.
Outreach Program in TVET
Date: May 6, 2021 / Program Type: Webinar /
May 6, 2021 | 9:30am Afghanistan | 10:00am Maldives, Pakistan | 10:30am India, Sri Lanka | 10:45am Nepal | 11:00am Bangladesh, Bhutan | 11:30am Myanmar | 12:00nn Thailand | 1:00pm Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore | 3:00pm Papua New Guinea | 5:00pm Fiji
This concept paper is prepared for the CPSC webinar on the topic “Outreach Program in TVET”. The three main goals of an outreach program are to improve learning, promoting community engagement, and strengthening communities through addressing their needs. An outreach program creates a partnership between the communities and the TVET institutions. Such programs build on each other's strengths and develop their roles as change agents for improving TVET students’ knowledge, civic responsibility, and providing solutions to communities’ problems and needs.
The outreach program provides students with an opportunity to better understand their course content, make them aware of the real world problems, valuing the inputs provided by multiple teachers and also developing their career. Students are always found to be enthusiastic for training in an outreach program with a sense of growing confidence in their abilities and development of skills practices. It is well known fact that the opportunity to apply learned knowledge and skills in real world settings will enhance the students’ occupational competencies.
Outreach programs are now incorporated within the TVET curricula in the most of the TVET systems in the Asia and The Pacific. The outreach program strengthen knowledge and skills gained in the institutions by providing different kind of services to the communities. This will also ultimately enhance the TVET institutions image and gain respect and recognition from the stakeholders and the community people. It is also important for the TVET institutions to evaluate the impact of an outreach program on academic development, personal development, and civic responsibility of TVET students.
Assessing the real needs of community and addressing them, is one of the important tasks for TVET institutions. TVET educations becomes successful, if only those needs identified in the community is addressed by the outreach program.
Thus, CPSC is conducting the webinar to make aware and realize the need of having outreach programs in each subject, manage it, and obtain the results from it.
This webinar session is designed to provide concept and knowledge on outreach program, its management, and conduction. It will also provide step by step guidelines to conduct outreach program, collecting data of program and skill & knowledge transferred to the community, linking community with the TVET students, and preparing outreach program report.
Sharing the concept and management guidelines on conducting outreach program for the TVET institutions.
Teaching and Learning Through Blended Methods
Date: May 3-7, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Online Classes
Online Class 1: Teaching and Learning System Based on Vocational Pedagogy
Online Class 2: Concept, Elements and Components of Blended Learning
Online Class 3: The Platform: Learning Management Systems
Online Class 4: Develop Digital Contents Using Authoring Tools
Online Class 5: ICT and Digital Competencies for Virtual Learning
Projects (Individual)
Project 1: Conduct SWOT Analysis on Digital Learning
Project 2: Develop a Learning Management System using Moodle System
Project 3: Develop a Course Using an Authoring Tool
Project 3: Prepare an Action Plan to Design a Blended Learning Course
An online Exam (Individual Participant)
Developing Context Based Vocational Pedagogy
Date: April 26-30, 2021 / Program Type: Regional Program /
Main Contents
Theme Papers
Special Lecture: Result-Based Instructional Management System
Theme Paper 1: Concept of Pedagogy, Vocational Pedagogy, and Context-Based Vocational Pedagogy
Theme Paper 2: Development of a Lesson Plan Incorporating Contextual Vocational Pedagogy
Theme Paper 3. Use of ICT & Digital Technology for Context-Based Vocational Pedagogy
Theme Paper 4: Selection and Application of Context-Based Vocational Pedagogy
Project Tasks
Project work 1: Identify 5 Vocational Pedagogy, Write the Purpose, and Context of Application
Project work 2: Develop a Lesson Plan Incorporating Contextual Vocational Pedagogy and ICT Tools
Greening TVET for Sustainable Development
Date: April 19-23, 2021 / Program Type: In-Country Program /
Main Contents
Theme Papers
Special Lecture: Greening TVET for Sustainable Development
Theme Paper 1: Strategies and Practical Approaches for Greening Campus
Theme Paper 2: Integrating Green skills in TVET Curriculum
Theme Paper 3: Greening Community to ensure Entrepreneurship and Sustainability
Theme Paper 4: Greening Research to respond Sustainable TVET
Theme Paper 5: Greening Culture to develop Institutional Commitment
Project Tasks
Task 0. Structured Learning Exercises: Levelling of Experience @ Sustainable Development
Task 1. Identification of Major Issues and Challenges of Greening Campus for Sustainable Development
Task 2. Developing Curriculum of TVET with Green skills
Task 3. Focus Group Discussion on Promoting Green Community for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in TVET System
Task 4. Identify Themes/Topics on Greening Research to respond Sustainable TVET
Task 5. Live Exercise for Evaluating TVET Institution using specified Green Index Criteria
Project Work. Action Plan on Promoting Greening TVET for Sustainable Development.
Research Methodology in TVET
Date: April 12-16, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Online Class 1: Research in TVET – An Important Aspect of TVET
Online Class 2: How to Conduct Research in TVET Concepts, Types and Process of Educational Research
Online Class 3: Concepts, Types and Process of Educational Research
Online Class 4: Develop Research Methodology with Tools
Online Class 5: Data Analysis and Findings of Research
Online Class 6: Referencing and Citation in Research
Project Tasks
Project 1: Analyze the table of contents of a paper/thesis, and show where the paper/thesis is located in the research cycle.
Project 2: Develop a draft research proposal
Project 3: Develop set of questionnaire
Effective Implementation of Co-Curricula and Extra Curricular Activities
Date: April 8, 2021 / Program Type: Webinar /
April 8, 2021 | 9:30am Afghanistan | 10:00am Maldives, Pakistan | 10:30am India, Sri Lanka | 10:45am Nepal | 11:00am Bangladesh, Bhutan | 11:30am Myanmar | 12:00nn Thailand | 1:00pm Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore | 3:00pm Papua New Guinea | 5:00pm Fiji
Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities take care of the students’ different developmental needs such as their sense of moral values and attitudes, skills and creativity. Through their participation in Co-curricular activities, students can learn to communicate, to cooperate with other people and in addition to enrich their life experience. The co-curricular and extra-curricular activities have also facilitated brain development, knowledge acquisition, personality development, and civic development of the students.
Co-curricular Activities or CCAs (sometimes known as Co-curricular Education) refer to those activities and programs that complement the formal education of the students in educational institutions. These activities are usually connected with academic matters and are organized or designed to help the students to have a better understanding of the course, and facilitate their diverse skill development tasks.
Extra-curricular Activities or ECAs (sometimes known as Extra-academic Activities) usually refer to those activities performed by the students that take place outside the regular school curriculum. These activities are generally voluntary and the students do not receive any academic credit or grades out of their participation.
This concept paper is prepared for the CPSC webinar to share knowledge on effective implementation of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in TVET institutions. Thus, CPSC is conducting the webinar to make aware and realize the need of having co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in TVET school to fulfill the aims and objectives of life.
This webinar session is designed to provide understanding and knowledge on the importance of CCA & ECA, effective implementation and organization. Webinar will also discuss the role of Principal and teacher in CCA & ECA.
Share the concept, good practices, and management of Alumni
Provide strategies on maximizing the relationship between the Alumni and TVET institutions
Training of Trainers for the Future Movers Programme (Batch 1)
Date: April 6-8, 2021 / Program Type: Online Program /
Main Contents
Theme Papers
Theme Paper 1: Effective Teaching and Learning Management of TVET Trainers
Theme Paper 2: Vocational Pedagogy Based Instructional Methods and Processes
Theme Paper 3: Application of ICT Tools in Effective Training Delivery
Theme Paper 4: Demonstrate Instructional Competencies to Impart KSA
Theme Paper 5: Effective Sessions Plan
Micro-Teaching (Project Work)
5 minutes microteaching by the participants (individual project)
Innovation in TVET Management
Date: March 22-26, 2021 / Program Type: Online Regional Program /
Main Contents
Theme Papers
Special Lecture: Innovation in TVET Management to improve quality of TVET
Online Class 1: Concept of Innovation in TVET Management
Online Class 2: Innovating TVET – A Framework for TVET Institution
Online Class 3: ICT Tools Help to Innovate TVET Management
Online Class 4: Innovate Teaching and Learning Process
Project Tasks
Project Work 1: Conduct SWOT analysis on innovation in TVET management
Project Work 2: Use innovation toolbox to assess TVET institutions readiness towards innovation.
Project Work 3: Prepare a presentation to collaborate with staff and students
Project Work 4: Prepare an action plan towards readiness of TVET for digitalization of services and products
Alumni Involvement in TVET Management
Date: March 11, 2021 / Program Type: Webinar /
March 11, 2021 | 9:30am Afghanistan | 10:00am Maldives, Pakistan | 10:30am India, Sri Lanka | 10:45am Nepal | 11:00am Bangladesh, Bhutan | 11:30am Myanmar | 12:00nn Thailand | 1:00pm Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore | 3:00pm Papua New Guinea | 5:00pm Fiji
Alumni is one of the important components and is well-established in the TVET sector. Not all TVET institutions have equally understood the value of alumni and this perception needs to be changed because of many benefits it provides. Understanding alumni engagement in the TVET management is vital for the TVET institutions for many reasons like it increases the employability, enhances TVET institute image, it can support in maintaining quality education and provides materials & funds to the institutes. TVET professionals need to broaden the scope and move the focus away from funds only and more on the non-monetary support roles played by TVET alumni. TVET institutions and alumni relationships should be converted into an intentional and mutually beneficial partnership with the purpose of students’ success and betterment of the TVET institutions. Alumni engagement impacts positively on all sides involved- the TVET institution, the alumni and current students. When the TVET institutions go through the international institutional accreditation, alumni plays an important role in convincing the accreditors on their roles, importance, and activities carried by them.
Alumni are seen as valuable as they are the key sources of information to define institute-level strategies and enhance study programs. By having alumni, TVET institutions can develop or revise curriculum involving the alumni members as they know as equally as the industry experts the demand of the latest skills and knowledge in the labor market.
Alumni are one of the key stakeholders for TVET institutions and their contribution to the achievement of TVET institutions strategic goals is evident. In the Asia and Pacific, it is observed that countries like the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore and their TVET institutions have given high importance to alumni and they are managing it very well. Thus, the time has come for all the TVET intuitions to give priority on establishing alumni and get maximum benefits from it. Therefore, CPSC has designed the webinar to share knowledge and practices of Alumni management in TVET institutions and how to strengthen the relation between the two.
This webinar session is designed to provide concept, good practices, and management of Alumni for maximizing its benefits to the TVET institutions. The Alumni & TVET institutions roles and strategies on strengthening relationships will be explained in the webinar.
Share the concept, good practices, and management of Alumni
Provide strategies on maximizing the relationship between the Alumni and TVET institutions
Change Management for TVET
Date: March 1-5, 2021 / Program Type: Online In-Country Program /
Main Contents
Theme Papers
Special Lecture: Educational Transformation through Leadership
Theme Paper 1: Concept and Guiding Principles of Change Management
Theme Paper 2: Strategies and Tools to Address Change Management in TVET Institutes
Theme Paper 3: Application of PDCA Model for Change Management
Theme Paper 4: Implication of Change Management to Develop an Action Plan
Project Tasks
Project Work 1: Self-assessment of Change Competency Leadership
Project Work 2: Application of Change Management Tools in Problem Resolution
Project Work 3: Apply PDCA Model for the Change Management
Project Work 4: Action Planning on Application of Change Management for TVET Institutions
Develop Online Learning Management System for TVET Institute
Date: March 1, 2021 / Program Type: Webinar /
March 1, 2021 | 6:30am Afghanistan | 7:00am Maldives, Pakistan | 7:30am India, Sri Lanka | 7:45am Nepal | 8:00am Bangladesh, Bhutan | 8:30am Myanmar | 9:00am Thailand | 10:00am Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore | 12:00nn Papua New Guinea | 2:00pm Fiji
COVID-19 could be the mega maleficent of the 21st Century with almost all countries shutting TVET institutions to break the chain of transmission. However, the training and education of our youth has to continue because staying idle is contrary to the constitutional foundation of civil societies.
The outbreak of coronavirus disease was recorded rising in the world since December 2019. As a result some institutions started offering online education to their students, the majority of the students have not yet benefited from distance learning. Since youth are our human capital, we must use alternative way to offer education to them in order to continue their learning.
In April 2020, a rapid assessment survey conducted by the ILO-UNESCO-WBG on TVET and described the current state of TVET during COVID-19 period. In this report, current TVET trends highlighted and stated that the TVET sector should have 4E (E-Content, E-Learning, Education Technology and Entrepreneurship).
The report also highlighted the gaps in TVET during the current situation. The one of the gaps is to provide continuous training to TVET providers to facilitate the development and delivery of their online session. It is also emphasized that TVET has to empower TVET providers to develop their own e-Learning system.
In this context, Colombo Plan Staff College is planning to organize a webinar on “Develop Online Learning Management System for TVET Institute”. This webinar will be dedicated to CPSC member countries TVET practitioners to build the capacity on how to develop and setup a learning management system for a TVET institute by using Moodle. The main purpose of this webinar is to share simple steps to setup online course management, course administration and users profile etc. The online Moodle application is the best tool to build native learning management system without programming skills. After completion of this webinar, the participants are able to create and setup their own Moodle. The outcome will be aligned different interpretations and expectations of digital innovation concept from the various stakeholders’ perspectives.
This webinar session is designed to provide concept, setup, and administration of learning management system to the TVET institutions.
To explain the importance of online resources for TVET institutions
To demonstrate how to setup a learning management system - Moodle